My Dragon System

Chapter 151 - A New Evolution

Chapter 151 - A New Evolution

The two kids along with Ray had finally arrived at the nearby town. The town was quite small compared to Avrion City. Which was expected but it was still big compared to Ray's village. The estimated population of the town was about a 1000 people.

The sun had now completely set and the streets were lit up with light crystals in lamps. It was quite a beautiful sight Ray thought.

Because of the time, the kids needed to head back to their family as soon as possible, otherwise, their parents would start to worry. They had agreed to take Ray to the guild early in the morning before he was due to set off.

Before heading home, the Kid's took Ray to a nearby Inn to sleep for the night. When Ray arrived at the desk, he realised that he had no coins on him to pay for the room for the night.

"Do you accept Beast crystals?" Ray asked

"Only Coin!" The middle-aged women behind the desk said.

Candy then pulled some coins out of a little purse she had and put two bronze coins on the desk.

"Is this okay Auntie?"

The women looked at Ray and scoffed at him.

"Getting a kid to pay for your room." The women mumbled as she walked off to get a key.

"I'm sorry, I forgot to bring money out with me," Ray said

"It's okay," Candy said with a smile, "The three crystals you gave us will bring us a lot more than that."

After Ray was handed the room Key the two kids waved goodbye and agreed to meet Ray at the Inn bright and early in the morning.

Ray entered the Inn room which was pretty bare. All there was in the room was a bed and a desk. It felt like he was back at the dorms in the academy. Ray sat on the bed and made sure no one was around him before deactivating his transform skill.

"Finally," Ray said.

The transform skill didn't take up much mana. If Ray wasn't fighting the amount of mana used would be gained back, which meant he could keep up the Nes form forever. It was still a strange feeling though; he could feel when the mana left his body and when it returned. It was as if he was consistently eating all the time and then going to the toilet.

Ray then opened up the status screen, he currently held 25 intermediate crystals that he was able to absorb. First, he would give the Crystals to Noir and save 5 for himself just in case Noir didn't evolve.

Last time Noir took a while to evolve, Ray didn't know the reason for this as his own evolution was almost instant.

Ray then started to feed the crystals to Noir one by one and slowly saw Noir's numbers go up until finally.

Elemental wolf.

The wolf will be given a random element attribute. Depending on the attributes given the wolf will have a resistance to that element, as well as perform certain attacks with that element.

Battle Wolf

This is a unique class of wolf that is only available to wolf's that have an "Owner" The wolf can equip weapons and battle armour made from Beast crystals. Note: Armour must be specially made for the wolf.

Ray looked at the two options and was struggling on which one to choose. The elemental wolf could be powerful but that really depended on what element it would get. If it got a rare element like thunder then it was defiantly worth it but it wasn't a guarantee.

The second option interested Ray quite a bit. There were search things as Tamer Mages. These mages were able to tame Beasts that had weaker magical ability then itself, so it wasn't unusual for someone to have a pet Beast but was rare. The thing was, Ray had never seen a magical beast wearing crystal armour before, this was a first for him.

After thinking over it for a while, Ray decided that Option B would be beast. The better equipment he could get for the Wolf only meant he was able to get stronger.

Last time Noir had taken years to evolve, Ray was hoping it wouldn't take that long this time as Noir had proved not only useful but a good companion for trips when he was on his own.

Now it was finally time for Ray to use the crystals on himself.

Ray started to absorb the crystals one by one and he could see his points slowly going up.


And finally.

Unlike with Noir, Ray had no option to choose from and the evolution had started immediately. A burning sensation could be felt throughout his body. Ray was doing everything he could to hold in his voice.

The pain seemed to be worse this time compared to before, he could see his bones breaking down forming again, his muscles being torn apart, forming again and again. It was the worst pain Ray had ever felt in his life.

Ray had clenched his hands so hard together that his nails had pierced his skin and blood was starting to drip onto the white bedsheets.

Then suddenly, the pain started to go away. Ray could start to feel a burst of energy. Once again all of the senses in his body had improved. He could hear the people from several rooms over. The people out on the streets.

His senses were currently too heightened and he needed a minute or two before he could adjust to everything. Then finally Ray opened his eyes.

Last time Ray had gone through an evolution his body hadn't changed but this time, when he looked down at his arms, they were different.

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